Hollywood Says...

Perhaps one of the top 4 blogs in the world, Hollywood Says could be, perhaps, one of the most random assortments of posts ever... perhaps.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Bored enough to type an entry into my BLAAAHHHHHHHGGGG-GUH

... when I'm rich, I'm going to buy homeless people bouncy balls.

I am tired, I am bored, my left leg is stiff and KILLING me for whatever reason, my dog is barking, my clothes are uncomfortable, and my soduko day-by-day calendar is completed for the day. I rule.

That sums it up folks. Ciao!

...what? you need more? Fine, here's my latest poem I am writing RIGHT now for you.

Christmas is over
The new year is over
Valentines day is coming soon
My birthday comes after that
Then will come easter
After easter comes some other crap
I think it's probably national terryaki chicken day
Then nothing else that matters until the end of the year
Holidays make you remember how much time passes
Nice shoes, wanna fuck?