Hollywood Says...

Perhaps one of the top 4 blogs in the world, Hollywood Says could be, perhaps, one of the most random assortments of posts ever... perhaps.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

It's almost December!?

... Steve McQueen was the man, second only to John Candy.

The location is New York. The date is November 25, 2006. The time is 6:13pm. It is a saturday. We are less than a week from December and the weather is ridiculous... it was in the 50's today... warm enough to ride my bike, and tomorrow is supposed to be about 60. I don't know what's going on, but it's pretty awesome.

On my bike ride today, I passed a police officer who didn't like the look of my bike apparently. It must scream, "this guy speeds, follow him for the next 15 minutes and hope he does something illegal." I didn't, and he finally stopped tailing me. Jerkface.

Anyway, I stopped along the side of the road to have a cigarette and relax my clutch hand from some heavy use. A crazy old shaman showed up out of thin air. He said, "I will grant you three wishes, all you have to do is give me a tuna sandwich." I told him to go away, because obviously a tuna sandwich would have been work keeping for myself... if I even had one. I asked him, "You are a shaman, right?"
"Well, yeah, of course I am. What else could I possibly be?"
"Oh, I don't know, a fucking genie? I mean you are claiming that you will grant me three wishes."
"Dude, I'm a shaman, not a magician, I can't grant wishes myself."
"What do you mean? How else would you have my wishes granted."
"Obviously I have a genie. I would make him do it. Just give me a tuna sandwich."
That being said, it all seemed to make sense now. So, I took him up on his offer. My first wish was for a tuna sandwich to give to the shaman. Running short on ideas for wishes 2 and 3, I just came up with some quick and shitty wishes. My second wish was for a pocket full of quarters, because I like the sound a pocket full of quarters makes. My third wish was for a hot chick to flash me as I rode by her on the road.

So, on my way home, I noticed a bag in the middle of the road with a '$' symbol on it. I stopped and picked it up. $90 worth of quarters! Sweet! Put that in my pocket. Later on, I see the most gorgeous chick in my entire life just hanging out by the road. As I got closer, she started to point at me and giggle. All of the sudden she pulled off her clothes and was completely naked. Now, I don't really believe in genies or anything, but after my experience today, I am having serious second thoughts.



Thursday, November 16, 2006

My eyes are bleeding!

... always remember who your true friends are by purchasing expensive gifts for all of them.

Yeah, so, I know, it's been quite a while since I last posted on this thing. Well, you're going to have to forgive me. I've been really busy between working both jobs and just trying to get a lot of other things done. Either way, I'll make it up to you by being completely entertaining here.

It has been brought to my attention that there is a gentleman by the name of Jim Silgnick who has been following me. Don't ask me why? I don't even know who the guy is. I just know that he has been walking approximately 30 feet behind me day after day everywhere I go. It's kind of creepy. I like to mess with him though. Sometimes I stop walking just to see him stop. Sometimes I run straight at him and he runs also. Well, I was doing this running thing today and he dropped his wallet. So, I decided to have a look see. He was giving me an awkward look from 30 feet away, but I didn't care. I took his license and his $65. Sucker. Anyway, it told me his name and where he lives... except that he is constantly 30 feet behind me rather than at his home. So, I am going to try to go to his house tomorrow and figure out more about him. Damn, people are creepy.

On a further note, I have a motorcycle now. It's the greatest thing ever.

On a further note from that previous note, I am going to make the first attempt at a trip around the world twice! I will circle the globe twice with my jet fuel/solar powered/wind sail/ flying device. I have no issues about making the distance, I know that will be fine. My main issue is whether or not my AA batteries will last long enough to power the Tiger handheld games I need to bring with me to keep me entertained. I hope so.