Hollywood Says...

Perhaps one of the top 4 blogs in the world, Hollywood Says could be, perhaps, one of the most random assortments of posts ever... perhaps.

Monday, August 28, 2006

The color wheel is spinning!

...fiery explosions will make any drama worthwhile!

In todays events, it turns out that the color purple is actually the color green. Unfortunately, the world will never accept that as the way things are. Instead, people will put a blindfold over their eyes. These are the same people who once thought that the Earth revolves around the Sun and that Pluto is actually a planet. Thankfully, scientists finally came to their senses and backed my theory that Pluto was not in fact a planet, but a dwarf planet. And to think... all of those textbooks that now have errors. If only they listened to me. Think of all those dead trees. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.

When I finally hit the big screens, my first move will be to promote CFC's in hairspray and big block engines in all cars. That's right folks, I am here to tell you how things truly are. By the time I get through with you, you'll understand that the true danger to the Ozone layer is the making of crappy pizza.


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